Judith Brandner
Born in 1963 in Salzburg, Austria
TV- and radio journalist, writer, moderator & presenter, University lecturer
At present working as editor for the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation Vienna, Dep. of Science. One focus of my work is Japan. Since the Great East Japan Earthquake and the nuclear accident at Fukushima nuclear power plant on March 11th, 2011 I devoted many pieces (radio, TV, newspaper articles, books) to the social aftermath of the nuclear accident in Fukushima.
I occasionally lecture at University of Vienna/East Asian Studies, and was guest lecturer at Nagoya City University in 2009, 2011 and 2014.
2019 Japan-Inselreich in Bewegung, Residenz Verlag
2014 Zu Hause in Fukushima, Kremayr&Scheriau. With photographs by Katsuhiro Ichikawa
2011 and 2012 reports from Japan have been published by Picus, Vienna The Japanese translation of both books was published by publisher Michitani, Tokyo
2017 – ongoing: TV journalist, Austrian Broadcasting Corp., Vienna
1997-2017: Free-lance radio journalist and anchorwoman at cultural radio program OE1, Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Vienna
As a freelancer, I also published at public broadcasters such as DRS2 in Switzerland, SWR2 or Deutschlandradio in Germany.
2016: Director of the TV documentary: Fukushima – 5 Years After The Nuclear Accident
1984 – 1997: News-Editor and presenter of news magazines at Radio Austria International, Vienna
1987/88: Secretary of The Austrian Trade Commissioner, Austrian Embassy/Commercial Section Tokyo, Japan
1994/95: Foreign Correspondent for various programs in Kyoto/Japan
2002, 2015, 2016/17 and 2018: Lecturer, University of Vienna/ Institute of East Asian Studies (Journalism and media-work for students of Japanese cultural studies)
2009, 2011 and 2014: Visiting Professor, Nagoya City University, Japan
Lectures and speeches about my research on the Fukushima disaster at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto; Bukkyo University, Kyoto; Nagoya City University; University of Vienna/East Asian Studies and many other, non-academic institutions
1995 – 2015: Lecturer at Adult Education School, Vienna (Journalism in theory and praxis. Creating radio programs; writing reports)
2004: University of Vienna, Institute of East Asian Studies: Bachelor in Japanese Cultural Studies and Translation Sciences
1981-87: University of Vienna/Department of Translating and Interpreting, Institute of Japanese Cultural Studies: Academically Trained Translator (English and Japanese)
1981: Graduation from High School, Salzburg
2013 Verkauf-Verlon-Award For Anti-Fascist Publications
2012 and 2015 Nomination for the Dr. Karl Renner Publication Award
2009 Journalist Award of the Austrian Hunting Association
2008 Prälat Leopold Ungar–Award for socially engaged journalism
2006 Familia-Award For Publications Promoting Families Life
2005 Media Award Of The Austrian Standards Institute
2005 Herta Pammer-Award For Publications On Women’s Rights
1998 Human Rights Award In Journalism by the Austrian press club Concordia